Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Elevator Etiquette

Yes, there is such a thing as elevator etiquette. If you didn't know this, then you probably don't possess any. Maybe this post will help you develop manners designed specifically for that ride to the 2nd floor!

Just yesterday, a friend (who shall remain nameless since she is paranoid about internet privacy) and I rode on an elevator. As we were riding, she relayed a story to me about the most awkward elevator ride of her life. That story, coupled with my own interaction with those who lack manners, inspired me to write this blog.

So here are a few suggestions to help you with a peaceful, non-awkward ride (these are taken from www.elevatorrules.com). Number 1 and 2 should be practiced at all times. I find Number 3 hilarious. If any of you have been on an elevator with a stranger who is singing, please tell me about it!

1. While waiting to board, stand AWAY form the door opening. DO NOT board the car unless you are sure no one is getting off on your floor. If there is someone exiting, allow them to clear the door before attempting to board.

2. You should stand as close to a wall as possible. Consider your destination floor and stand near the back if you are going to a high floor. If you know you are getting off shortly, stand toward the front. If you choose to stand near the buttons, understand that you may have increased responsibility. Always allow as much space as possible between you and the passengers. Always stand facing the door.

3. Singing, humming and whistling are generally discouraged. If your personality dictates that you must start a conversation with complete strangers, start with light discussion about weather or current events.