Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Life. My Card.

My favorite American Express commercial (yes it's a sad life when you start a sentence that way) is the one with Kate Winslet. I like it purely due to it's creativity. She makes statements which correspond with characters she has played in movies.

So, if you didn't are the lines from the commerical (along with what each is referring to):

At 17 I went to prison for murder - a reference to her character in Heavenly Creatures.

By 19 I was penniless and heartbroken - this refers to her role in Sense and Sensibility (she is also seen thumbing through the book at this point).

I almost drowned at 20 - Titanic.

My mind started to go at 24 - a reference to the movie Iris in which her character had alzheimer's disease.

Then I had my memory erased at 28 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (what a strange movie). However, I'm certain Amy Ward likes it. :)

And by 29 I was in Neverland - Finding Neverland (here she is seen holding a hook).

Thank you American Express for one less dull, boring commerical. This one was blog worthy.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Howie Mandell is the host of the gameshow, Deal or No Deal. He is also a comedian and was popular in the 80's. I just learned that Howie has Mysophobia (which is a fear of germs). Pay close attention and you'll see that he does not shake the hands of the contestants. Also, he states that he likes to shave his head because it makes him feel cleaner. Of course, when I think of bald heads, I automatically think (and sing) "Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean!" Have the house cleaning product people played a joke on the subconscious of Howie? We may never know.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Internet Addiction Disorder

Yes, you read it right; it does say Internet Addiction Disorder. Apparently, it is defined as "any online-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's work environment."

If you feel that you might be suffering from surfing the web too often...then check out this site: There you may take an online quiz to see if you have the disorder. You may also interact with others who have the problem by participating in an online support group. There are also links for their new podcast and new blog.

I find it somewhat humorous that the site promotes online interaction for an online addiction. By the way, below are the results from the quiz I took:

You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.

Donna Reed

Donna Reed was an actress that starred on the the popular television series, The Donna Reed Show in the 1950's. (I used to love this show as a kid.) She played the iconic housewife that we all assosciate with that era. However, I found it ironic to learn that, according to wikipedia, "Late in her life, Donna joined the communist party to fight for woman's rights."

What!? Donna is a communist? Scary.

Leave the gun - take the cannoli

This is a quote from the movie, The Godfather. This movie is ranked 3rd by the American Film Institute (AFI) in the list of 100 Greatest Movies of all time. They also list this as the 2nd of 100 greatest movie quotes: "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."

Why is this movie favored so much? I'd love to see your thoughts.

Why I started this blog...

I have many useless facts floating around in my brain and I wanted to have a place to post them. So, here it is.